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SCAPP Conference Tues 27 May 2025

Shaping the Future of Access and Participation: Sharing Knowledge, Valuing Impact

We are delighted to open our call for session proposals for the forthcoming SCAPP Conference at Glasgow Caledonian University on Tues 27th May 2025!

We are looking for suggestions for presentations, workshops, poster submissions (or other formats) which showcase what we value, what we do and what we know and understand in the widening access and participation sector.


We want practitioners attending to have the opportunity to:

  • broaden understanding of the breadth and depth of work being done nationally to support underrepresented groups to access and succeed in HE
  • know about research findings which can improve practice
  • deepen awareness of the policy drivers and current statistics


Think you can contribute? Then submit your proposal by close on Fri 7th March 2025. Find out more and/or complete the submission form here.


If you have any questions, please get in touch:

Maximising the SCQF: recognising skills and valuing qualifications

Free Online Workshop
3-4pm, Wed 22nd Jan 2024 (MS Teams)
Sign up here

Find out the latest from the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework on:

  • Flexible learning pathways in school and beyond
  • New and innovative programmes at SCQF level 6
  • flexible entry requirements in HE
  • Recognising and valuing skills with employers
  • RPL development in Scotland

MAPS Mentor Drop in Session

As discussed at the mentor training session in December, Jill is available from 10am – 10.30am on Wednesday 22nd January to go over the paperwork associated with your mentee meetings and address any other questions  or queries from mentors.

If you are unable to attend and wish to speak with Jill, please email to set up a suitable alternative time to meet with her.

Connect with Coffee

Tuesday 18th Feb 2025

10.00 – 11.00 (Teams)

Come along with (or without!) a cuppa to learn, share and network with others. It will be an opportunity to network with others in the sector and build your understanding of WA & WP work being undertaken at other organisations. The focus for this session will be WA and WP in the college sector.

Register here to attend Connect with Coffee on Tuesday 18th Feb from 10-11

Save the Dates!
We’ve taken on board your feedback and are now sharing all forthcoming Connect with Coffee dates for this academic year:

Wed 19 Mar 10 – 11am
Thurs 24 Apr 10 – 11am
Tues 20 May 10 – 11am
Wed 18 Jun 10 – 11am

Some sessions will have specific topics for discussion which will be promoted in advance. If you have any suggestions for themes to discuss at future Connect with Coffee sessions, please let us know here.


Invitation to attend a parliamentary reception Keeping the promise – halfway to 2030

The Oversight Board chair Mr David Anderson would like to invite you to its Parliamentary Reception on Thursday 27th February 2025, 5.30-7.30pm in the Garden Lobby, sponsored by George Adam MSP.

The Oversight Board’s Report THREE will be published in February 2025, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the conclusions of the Independent Care Review and the publication of the promise, and marking the halfway point to 2030. The Report will look at the work so far to keep the promise, with a specific focus on Whole Family Support and Supporting the Workforce.

This event will be an opportunity to hear more about the report and the progress Scotland is making towards keeping the promise by 2030 and meet with members of The Oversight Board, the care community and MSPs.

A formal invitation with further details will follow, but in the meantime, if you wish to attend, please RSVP to Gillian Graham

NEON 1-day Online Course

NEON 1-day Online Course – coaching and mentoring in the outreach, induction, retention, and success strategies for underrepresented groups 

Delivered on 12th February by Jess Woodsford, CEO & Co-founder of Inclusive Futures, this one-day course will provide insights into how to engage your audience effectively and explore the crucial role of coaching and mentoring in the outreach, induction, retention, and success strategies for underrepresented groups.

By the end of the day delegates will:

  • Be able to define coaching and mentoring and identify their key characteristics.
  • Understand the role of coaching and mentoring in the widening access context.
  • Describe the advantages and challenges of different approaches to coaching and mentoring i.e. face to face, online, group, use of peer schemes.
  • Look at different approaches to engaging your audience in coaching and mentoring i.e. how to get mentee, institution and mentor to opt-in to the intervention.
  • Consider the skills and techniques needed for successful coaches and mentors.
  • Improve their own knowledge around what could go wrong and how to mitigate these risks.
  • Discuss and evaluate the different frameworks.
  • Produce an action plan on how to develop coaching and mentoring at their own institution.
  • Share their own current practice and help each other to overcome the challenges through the sharing of practice.

Click here to register

Skills Development Scotland Events

Join new Profiling Achievements webinars

Find out about the new national approach to profiling achievements of young people across Scotland. Skills Development Scotland and Education Scotland are co-hosting a series of webinars to highlight the new digital profile feature on My World of Work, which will be available from the end of January.

Register for a session below:

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 3-7 March 2025 

There are currently around 12,000 apprentice employers in Scotland, investing in approximately 40,000 apprentices to find new talent and diversify their workforce.
Schools, learning providers, local authorities and industry organisations will host hundreds of activities and events to support this nationwide celebration of apprenticeships.
Resources to support ScotAppWeek25 include a ‘Quick guide to Graduate Apprenticeships’ pdf in English and Gaelic, social media graphics, and apprenticeship stats and facts.

TASO Webinar

TASO (Transforming Access and Student Outcomes) Webinar Tues 28 Jan 10.30am – 11.30am

TASO’s data infrastructure guide and wider institutional data use project is based on work and discussion with English universities, but they anticipate that the barriers and solutions identified will be relevant to any HE provider in the UK who wants to identify equality gaps and evaluate student success interventions.

TASO are hosting an online webinar introducing TASO’s Data Infrastructure Guide (DIG) — a key resource from the Institutional Data Use Project.

Who should attend?

The event is open to anyone interested, however, is particularly relevant to:

  • Evaluators and practitioners working in higher education.
  • Planning teams and senior management committed to equality and student success.
  • Anyone seeking robust methods to generate causal evidence (Type 3) for interventions.

You can sign up here